DEFINITIONS as per The Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Act, 2011
“Human Organ” means any part of human body consisting of a structured arrangement of tissues which, if wholly removed, can not be replicated by the body.
"Tissues” means a group of cells, except blood, performing a particular function in the human body.
“Donor” means any person, not less than eighteen years of age, who voluntarily authorises the removal of any of his( human organs or tissue or both) for therapeutic purposes under sub section (1) or sub section (2) of section 3.
“Deceased Person” means a person whose permanent disappearance of all evidence of life occurs, by reason of brain-stem death or in a cardio - pulmonary sense, at any time after live birth has taken place.
“Transplantation” means the grafting of any (human organ or tissue or both) from any living person or deceased person to some other living person for therapeutic purposes.
“Therapeutic Purposes” means Systematic treatment of any disease or measures to improve heath according to any particular
method or modality.
“Recipient” means a person into whom any (human organ or tissue or both) is, or is proposed to be, transplanted.
“Tissue Bank” means a facility registered under section 14A for carrying out any activity related to the recovery, screening, testing, processing, storage & distribution of tissues, but does not include a Blood Bank.
"Hospital” includes a nursing home, clinic, medical centre, medical or technical institution for therapeutic purposes and other like institutions.
“Human Organ Retrieval Centre” means a hospital-
(i) which has adequate facilities for treating seriously ill patients who can be potential donors of organs in the event of death.
(ii) which is registered under sub-section (1) of section 14 for retrieval of human organs.
“Minor” means a person who has not completed the age of eighteen years.
“Near Relative” means a spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson or
“Notification” means a notification published in the Official Gazette.
“Registered Medical Practitioner” means a medical practitioner who possesses any recognised medical qualification as defined in clause (h) of section 2 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956), and who is enrolled on a State Medical Register as defined in clause (k) of that section.
“Transplant Co-ordinator” means a person appointed by the hospital for co-ordinating all the matters related to removal or transplantation of human organ or tissues or both and for assisting the authority for removal of human organs in accodance with the provision of section 3.
Source: NOTTO